Directions is a great way for anyone at Harvest Bible Church to go deeper in their faith. Our one-on-one discipleship process pairs new believers with someone who has more experience and is of the same gender, similar demographics, interests and schedules.

This is an 18-week mentorship program that gives you the biblical foundation everyone needs to be a follower of Jesus. You will meet with your mentor once a week for approximately 60 – 90 minutes to walk through what you’ve learned, and you and your mentor will grow together.


If you've already completed Directions, or maybe you need discipleship in another area, you can still be paired up with someone to go through a Bible study with! Directions is not the only option, but being discipled and meeting with another believer should be a priority.


You will be assigned 5 days of reading and assignments to be completed in a 7-day period, which takes approximately 10-15 minutes a day to complete. It’s full of asking hard questions and challenging yourself to grow closer to Jesus and become a solid follower of Christ. There’s lots of flexibility when meeting, so when life gets busy, you can reschedule. This program is designed to be a patient process and provides a growing relationship with another believer in Christ.

We look forward to watching God do some amazing things for you and through you.